My appreciation for Fantasy Movies

Lord of the Rings - Review

Here is a list of my favorites aspect of thia saga:

Human Relations

Despite the battle and the harsh hostility, one of my favorite aspect is the human realtions. we really feel the friendship of Sam and Frodo (two main characters). Throughout the hole saga we see their friendship growing up as they face obstacles. I really liked that they put an emphasis on these relations because there is a lot of careless enemy and it is reassuring to see that humans have not lost their primary values. Here is a picture of Sam and Frodo:

Frodo and Sam

The storyline

As you can guess, the movies being 11h30 hours do not lacks content. The storyline is full of twists and actions. The quest that Frodo and Sam are undertaking is very risky and hazardous. They are doing all that because they know that peace won't come by itself. They are very courageous to be volunter, as everyone were reckless and afraid to carry this burden. One thing that is also a great element is that the ring consumes you. It consumes you morally and physically. The ring is like a messenger between you and Sauron (the bad guy). No one was daring enough to carry the burden of this ring, so the two little hobbits voluntered.

Character 1

One of my favorite characters is probably legolas, the elf. Even if we don't see it as much as the other, I still think that he is the most talennted one on the team. Plus, I usually love characters that their main weapon is a bow. Here is a Photo of him:

Picture of Legolas

Character 2

The last characther that interests me the most is probably golum. I am very fascinated by its two personalities fightinh each other. One of them wants to steal the ring out of Frodo and the other is the reasonable and friendly side. We literally see him talking to himself and the two identities taking over golum. Here is a video of his bad side convincing him to steal the ring. Note: the start of the passage is at 30s